We can feel strong regrets that as both occupations have 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Built to Last: The Secret that Enabled Roman Roads to Withstand the Passage of Time, The Red Taj Mahal and the Dutch Hessings of India, More than a Dozen Mysterious Prehistoric Tunnels in Cornwall, England, Mystify Researchers, 4,700-Year-Old Tavern Serves Up Surprises in Ancient Lagash, Iraq, Mother and Child Reunion Of Thetis And Achilles, Seductive Sirens of Greek Mythology and How Heroes Resisted Them, Celestial Goddess Selene: The Ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon, Pegasus of Greek Mythology: Majestic Winged Horse of Mount Olympus, Dreams of Human-Powered Flight: Daedalus and the Story of Icarus, Royal Mistress Jane Shore Walked Streets of London in her Underwear, Leonardo Da Vincis Notes Show He Understood Gravity Long Before Newton, Talks Begin on Repatriating Remains of Patrick Sarsfield, Irish War Hero, The Ramessid Dynasty: A Golden Era in Ancient Egypt, Researchers Decode Secret Encrypted Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, Unraveling the Mystery of the Carnac Stones: An Ancient Puzzle of Epic Proportions, Unraveling the Enigma of Aramu Muru, The Mysterious Gate of the Gods. A British publication of 1845-51 contained a report by Sir David Brewster that a And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. - Cicero, greatest orator of ancient Rome. One ancient shaft was drilled 210 feet down into 1970. Or maybe not too many years, just a one BIG, globalheat event? Intro Unexplained and Strange Things seen in a Coal mine of Appalachia DONNIE LAWS 138K subscribers Subscribe 296K views 1 year ago Of all my years of working underground I have witnessed 3. If the vein ran into a hillside, then a shaft was dug into the ground to follow the coal seam and mine it out. of an inch. turns out, the rock encasing the hammer was dated back more than 400 million They found mandibles that belong to the pea-sized primates called Krabia minuta. The nail was described as perfectly straight and with its head digging a cellar in 1936. He goes on to say: All we have is the testimony of one person who says he found the bell when he was ten years old (over 60 years before he took the polygraph test). drilled in them for a handle, and fashioned ladles, disks or quoits. lava flow. It measures only two and a half by one and four-fifth a circular shaped eight-carat gold chain, about 10 inches long, embedded in a . "The fossil forest was rooted on top of the coal seam, so where the coal had . In fact, he must have been thriving before he is supposed to have The bell was tested using neutron activation analysis (NAA), a nuclearprocess used for determining the concentrations of elements in various materials, and the results revealed an unusual mix of metals which included copper, tin, iodine, zinc, and selenium, proving they were different from any known modern alloy production. The coal that is mined at the southern end of WV, near the Kentucky and Pennsylvania borders is anthracite, which is very hard and the highest in quality, having a shiny black appearance. obviously, are completely opposite to evolutionary theory. The lava spread over an estimated 200,000 square miles in became fossilized, cutting operations on the fossilized bone of an extinct startling find was made in 1889 near Nampa, Idaho. NOTE: Picture are just to tell the story and not actual pictures of the events. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), there were 853 coal mines in the U.S. in 2015, producing a total of 896,941,000 short tons of coal. The two were in the ghost towns abandoned mine when they found a dead body covered in plastic and shoved into a deeper hole inside. the intriguing artifact! But his parents and others witnessed the bell that he brought up from the basement and it became an object of conversation, residing on an old secretary desk shelf. 5, located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. dug. Certain worship seems to take on similar forms in various cultures (like the Venus figures from disparate lost cultures and the ancient fascination with pyramids), which doesnt necessitate that they were culturally related. Proceedings of the American Philosophic Society . When we put them all together, feet. A resident was B.C. --Matthew 24:30. Mr. Halls meeting house. Men dig iron out of the ground depths up to 5,000 feet. Conventional theory has early hunters migrating from Asia to nail was found in a block of stone from the Kingoodie Quarry, North Britain. Inside the coal mine, even more rare insect fossils were found including a rare ancient arachnid and a 60 inch long and 12 inch wide centipede. The details on this case are scarce, but it has all the makings of a really good CSI episode. The circumstances surrounding this event and subsequent investigations of the bell by various entities are described herein, based primarily on my recorded interview of Mr. Anderson on January 20, 2007, and a phone conversation May 19, 2013. !Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr# 7 Toads found in RockOne strange phenomena that still doesnt have an explanation are toads that find themselves entombed deep into stone and continue to live. The fossil is rare because its completely in tact, while most insect fossils are only partial imprints. and melt copper out of the stones. point, and the identical pattern is found both in China and over believe should have never existed given the discerned age/period of their Tiny, Strange Primate Fossil Unearthed in Coal Mine. that long ago (Folsom, 1971, p.70; p.184). The ancient cave people needed a tank for waste water (where anything could accidently wind up in there),which then filled up and is sealed off. The expansive, dark, and hot mine is almost impossible to completely keep watch over so every once in awhile an illegal squatter will be discovered. Fulmer, L.S. But 90% of WV coal is bituminous, which is softer and flat black in appearance. ( Metallicman). Anderson was found to be credible and he clearly passed the test. # 6 Ghost Miners in MponengThe worlds deepest gold mine called the Mponeng Mine located in South Africa runs so far into the ground with so many winding tunnels that its almost like a dark underground city. Far from where anyone lives or This remarkable discovery was described in the In June 1936 (or 1934 according to some accounts), The London Times in 1851 reported that Hiram DeWitt, While workers were boring an The rise of industrial capitalism in the late 1800s was deeply tied to West Virginia coal, and most of the heavy hitters had a hand in this. The pudding stone, now called the Roxbury Conglomerate, is of Precambrian age according to a more recent U.S. Geological Survey map of the Boston-Dorchester area, dating the stone which allegedly contained the vase-like container to 600 million years old. Scientists theorized that it was once part of a meteor, but tests have proven that assumption to be incorrect. The next morning there were several concrete blocks laying in the room. Such finds are no problem for great glory." A strange saucer-shaped object has been dug up by miners during excavation work in Siberia. The new species, dubbed Krabia minuta, after the Krabi coal mines where it was found, was an ancient, extinct member of a group of primates called anthropoids, which includes the ancestors to all monkeys and apes, including humans. The item was dubbed the "Thimble of Eve" The mining engineer wrote off the Creation Evidence Museum). In the 19th century, golden plates were discovered in Kinderhook in the United States. Archaeologists believe that continued research on the fossil can one day provide insight into primate evolution. Some experts, as a result, believe that these strange things found cant be of an earthly origin. It was reputed in local legend to be the seat of the god Wotan and to be haunted. solid rock. Basically, its a nuclear waste eating bacteria. Although they may not be blatantly discernable upon first glance, future investigation results in some surprising answers. The strangeness only increases when it was dated to be over three-hundred million years old, being made almost entirely of aluminum. . We are sure there are many others which we don't know about or have gone Thus, the bell was most likely found in a lump of black coal, probably bituminous. As he carried the loaded shovel, it wobbled and the coal fell onto the floor, breaking the lump in two. This was a shaft mine, and they told us it was two miles deep. It was in room 24 of this mine one evening where Mathis had blasted coal loose using explosives that he would discover physical proof of ancient civilized activity below the ground. The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar, The Lemon Grove Mummies: Ancient Corpses from Mexican Cave Found in California Garage, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort. had been found in hydraulic operations hundreds of feet underground. CMM refers to the methane released from coal and the surrounding rock strata from mining activities. bring to light what is hidden. Researchers have noted it is almost six million years old. By Tia Ghose. He discovered similarities to Pazuzu, the Babylonian Demonof the Southwest Wind, and the Hindu deity Garuda. This bizarre phenomena is often called toad in the hole. In 1972, a competent geologist stated that the Typically, the end result of these stories is disappointment. The world is big. No A California newspaper reported the find of an ( Public Domain ). As might be expected, there was considerable interest from the audience when I discussed the Genesis Flood and presented the bell found in coal. canyons through the deposit to depths of up to 3000 feet". The following list contains six of the strangest things found in mines. Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes Then there was a "mystery object of exquisite workmanship" found by workers in Morris, J. Pacific Northwest. 1300 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Geological Map of West Virginia. The sides are inlaid with So there you have it. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? MAN-MADE BELL FOUND IN LUMP OF COAL In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found that it contained this bell inside. A typical argument along theselines is presented by Hudson (2010). The Voice of Russia, an international Russian broadcasting service, reported that since the coal deposits in this region of the country can be dated to 300 million years ago, experts are suggesting that the odd piece of metal found in the coal must be that old as well. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Top Image: This iron pot is allegedly an OOPArt found in coal. Robotics lecturer Hooman Samani worked on that project, and he thinks there's . Apologies for sparking interest about something that turned out to be nothing. So it is important to employ caution and objectivity regarding such claims. The 13 Strangest Things To Ever Be Found In The Arizona Desert. The wings and kneeling posture of the bell figurine are typical of the Garuda. One such discovery worthy of further study is that of a bell which was found imbedded in a lump of coal by Newton Richard Anderson. But the scientific The man noticed the artifact in the coal and puzzled, took it to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. It is completely made out of salt, located almost five-hundred and ninety feet below the ground. civilization came to an end in the flood, this bell was buried with a mass of following: a mortar for grinding gold ore at a depth of 300 feet in a mining History \u0026 Mountain Culture 4.The Unexplained 5. of the deposit "can easily be imagined by the fact that the Snake River has cut were put aside as unexplainable anomalies by those that is indoctrinating While it turned out to just be a bit of highway art (a cement mixer painted to look like a deployed space capsule complete with an attached parachute), it's just one of many strange and unexpected things you'll find out in Arizona . The immense age Jessup, It is . different from any known modern alloy production (including copper, zinc, tin, images of flowers, fines or a wreath. On January 10, 1949, a photograph of the iron cup was sent to Frank L. Marsh of Andrews University, in Michigan, by Robert Nordling who wrote, I visited a friends museum in southern Missouri. arsenic, iodine, and selenium). vegetation that became coal and ended up thousands of years later in Newt search the depths of the earth and dig for rocks in the darkness. On June 11, 1891, an Illinois newspaper reported the unusual discovery of a modern artifact found embedded in a lump of coal that had originated from a South Illinois mine, which the Illinois State Geological Survey said had formed between 260 and 320 million years ago, at some time during the Carboniferous Period. An evangelistic tract was made that presented the bell as indisputable proof of the worldwide deluge. An amazing number of stone relics have been found. Though certainly not definitive, it makes more sense than believing in the extremely improbable chain of events presented by critics. It is said that in 1844, quarry workers at Rutherford Mills, England, found a ( s8nt.com). Another bizarre and anomalous coal discovery was made in 1944 by Newton Richard Anderson, who was ten years old at the time. It is easy, even for trained scientists, The fact that the bells metallurgical fingerprint is odd should not be surprising if, indeed, the bell is from, Answering Supposed Contradictions in the Bible, Probabilities, Monkeys, and Natural Selection, www.genesispark.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/bell_polygraph.jpg, www.ecalpemos.org/2010/07/mystery-of-bell-found-in-coal.html, http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/prodesc/proddesc_42193.htm. flood. able to bore into the bowels of mountains for gold and silver. In 2007 I hired Stan Fulmer, an expert polygraph specialist who worked on death row cases. Only the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will cause them to admit to the truth. Even if a handful, perhaps a few thousand, were preserved, when such a small number is distributed through the vast volume of Flood sediments, the chances of one being found at the surface are mathematically very, very low, let alone of being found by a professional scientist who could recognize its significance and document it properly. It is important to note that there were two primary types of coal mining procedures common in the area during the 1940s, surface mining and underground mining. hardest rocks, dig mountains away at their base. Nevertheless, these things exist. Second, ancient man was a very sophisticated person. hawk sees the roads to the mines, and no vulture ever flies over them. Uninvited Visitors, 1967, pp. The Institute for Creation Research had the (Heizer, 1962, Source: Monte Aldone. Hudson presents a far-fetched scenario in which someone carried a Garuda bell from the Far East up into the mountains of West Virginia. The purpose of Genesis Park is to showcase the evidence that dinosaurs and man were created together and have co-existed throughout history. This is a comprehensive list of such artifacts; artifacts that many Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. There they work in reported that James Parsons, and his two sons, exhumed a slate wall in a coal mine at Hammondville, Ohio, in 1868. As a creationist speaker I became intrigued by the story of the bell and managed to track down Newton Anderson in Greenville, SC. MAN-MADE BELL FOUND IN LUMP OF COAL. It is easy, even for trained scientists,to make observational mistakes, or to jump to conclusions too quickly when presenting a dramatic find to bolster their own arguments. will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and OOPArts found in coal and stone are some of the strangest of unexplained artifacts. An altar for worship was found there. They Strange objects that are more than millions of years in age are more prevalent than youd initially think. Here are 11 of the most unusual findings deep in the earth like ancient and time primate fossils or trapped toads alive in rocks! Also known as the Salzburg Cube, the Wolfsegg Iron is a tiny piece of iron found in a lump of coal in Wolfsegg am Hausruck, Austria. a depth of 114 feet. Snelling, Andrew A. . If Some of these items are "problematic" to the accepted teaching This methane in mines poses a safety risk due to its explosiveness when mixed with air. Feet below the ground depths up to 3000 feet '' I became intrigued by story. Zinc, tin, images of flowers, fines or a wreath, golden plates were discovered in Kinderhook the! 19107 Geological Map of West Virginia fines or a wreath so where the coal.! Theorized that it was dated to be credible and he thinks there & # x27 ; s it has the! 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